
Arts and Entrepreneurship

The entrepreneurial process is a creative journey. Artists love to embark on creative journeys. This project is an effort to bring these two approaches together and look at a possibility of developing a sustainable model for artists by inculcating entrepreneurial approach without compromising the artistic freedom.

In today’s world, one needs to understand the cultural scenario in changing societies and artist communities with an objective of sustainable practices. IAPAR initiated this research project, as one of the founding projects of the UNITWIN network. Its vision is to offer a common platform for academicians, performers and professionals in applied areas to come together, to create a space for interaction, conversation, innovation, collaboration and development.

The Balancing Act

The Balancing Act is a response to the violence and abuse seen by young children everyday. This violence manifests itself in various forms; be it physical, mental or emotional. The play explores the life  of a child in today’s “Modern” world where they are exposed to media that glorify violence in a debatable manner and most families are nuclear with the parents being working professionals.

This performance is an on-going research to understand how children perceive violence almost everywhere. Right from their journey to school, to crossing the streets, unfriendly pedagogies, peer pressure along with the pressures of ‘development’ and ‘modern life’. The research is to look at  how the life of a young person going through or has gone through such a violent atmosphere shapes up to be? What kind of imagination and ideas would evolve from a mind like this? What could be the repercussions of all of this? How are the emotional needs of such young children looked at? Can we equip them to deal with such scenarios ?


Investigating these questions and creating an artistic expression out of the learnings evolved is the focus of this process. The performance of The Balancing Act is always evolving and changing considering all these parameters. The process doesn’t get over. It continues.

Science, Philosophy and Art

IAPAR has initiated an ongoing research project to study the interconnections between Science, Philosophy and Art, in a manner that will help artists and others to cope with the rapidly changing world.

Clarity is power in a world which is constantly shaped by faster and superior technology.  How are we as humans, to cope up with god-like technologies that may prove disruptive if we do not have enough clarity about the fundamental nature of these technologies and their effects on us? One way to gain clarity is to revisit the ancient domains of knowledge that have been with us ever since when technology was still in its infancy. Understanding the nature, scope and history of Science, Philosophy and Art would prove crucial in knowing who we are, where we come from and where we are going!

IAPAR provides a platform for artists and thinkers from all over the globe. It provides a unique facility for a healthy give and take of knowledge and information within this community and beyond. IAPAR wishes to form a research initiative dedicated to Science, Philosophy and Art and interpreting it for everyone interested in the discourse.  IAPAR will be working on these research methodologies and sharing mechanisms.